This week in literacy we will continue working on non-fiction text and will focus on asking and answering questions. Students will reflect on text, before, during and after reading and generate questions after this reflection. We will discuss how readers find answers to these questions. Readers can find answers right in the text, readers can infer answers to questions by using text clues and their schema. Readers also sometimes come across questions that can not be answered and may need further investigation from other sources. We will explore these different methods of answering questions. We will also being to do some individual reading assessments as the close of Trimester Two approaches.
In writing, we will take time to prepare for our Trimester 2 writing assessment on Friday. Last week, we wrote to a practice prompt and this week we will look at the feedback forms and conference to see strengths and areas for improvement before the assessment. Students are expected to include all parts of the writing diamond including an entertaining beginning, descriptive setting, a main event on one small moment and an extended ending. We will also learn about proper and common nouns as our grammar focus.
We continue on with Unit 8 this week as we extend our knowledge of fractions. This week our lessons will focus on equivalent fractions, comparing fractions and fraction number stories. We will be using fraction cards to help make the concept of equivalent fractions more concrete. We will also begin to assess trimester two report card skills as well.
In social studies, we will talk about the five oceans of the world. Students are responsible for naming and locating the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Southern Oceans.
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