Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Weekly Update 3.11.13

We continue to work on our non-fiction unit this week.  Our text connection for the week will be Biggest, Fastest, Strongest.  Students will be working on citing new facts that they learned and questions that they wonder about.  They will also work on identifying a "Wow!" fact as they read.  "Wow!" facts are pieces of information from the text that spark the students' interest as they read.  Guided reading groups are finishing up their latest chapter books this week and will be moving on to non-fiction articles.  We will also use some time this week to finish up Trimester 2 assessments.

In writing, we will be working on the persuasive genre of writing.  Students will be working on book recommendations where they will be required to write a topic sentence, details and supporting text evidence and a closing sentence.  We will also use the same format as we begin to write about the author's message.  We will learn about the capitalization of book titles and that book titles should be underlined in writing.

In math, we will review and assess Unit 8 Monday and Tuesday.  We will begin Unit 9 on Wednesday.  Unit 9 concentrates on measurement.  Our first two lessons will focus on measuring with yards and meters and linear measurement.  We continue to work on subtraction of two and three digit numbers and word problems.

In social studies, we will assess the oceans and the borders of the United States on Friday.  Students have already made their study guides and they should be reviewing in preparation for Friday at home. Students will need to identify and label the five oceans on a blank world map.  They will also need to draw the international boundary lines between the United States, Mexico and Canada.  They will also need to label these countries on the map as well.

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