Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekly Update 11.19.12

We have a short week this week!  We will spend most of our literacy block finishing up Daily Five work and guided reading assignments from last week.  We will also use Monday and Tuesday to finish up the publications process for our nocturnal animal books. Tuesday afternoon, students will have a chance to share their books and projects with one another in the classroom.  Thursday morning, November 29, will be our presentations to families in the cafeteria!   We will have a math lesson on Monday which will focus on word problems.

We enjoyed a great presentation from the WingMasters group on Monday morning.  We were fortunate to have our guest share a wealth of knowledge on owls and even had the chance to look at some real live owls!

We also have a new student joining our classroom after Thanksgiving.  Please join me in welcoming Gustavo to our classroom!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!  Please enjoy a happy and healthy Thanksgiving with your families!  Go Pats!

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